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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes Too!

People of this country are subject to—when compared with other countries—gifts. Incentives include retirement benefits, Medicare, etc., and rights that are inconspicuous to natives. By natives I’m referring to residences that have proper status or citizenship that saturate the tax payers, but what about immigrants and non-immigrants? According to U.S. Census Bureau, the foreign born or immigrant population stood at 36 million ending 2005. All of them underrepresented, but are responsible for large amounts of taxes collected, maybe that’s why they’re considered essential to the American life.

According to a 2008 article on MSNBC, experts agree that illegal immigrants have been paying taxes to the government. Even though the federal government doesn’t fully tally the amount of these taxes, latest figures available indicates amounts to billions of dollars in federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes in 2008. One rough estimate puts the amount of Social Security taxes alone at around $9 billion per year. The illegal workers pay just as much as legal workers.


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